Upcoming workshop at The New Orleans Photography Workshops
Demystifying the Photo Book with Joyce Tenneson, October 21-23
Many photographers have bodies of work they would like to see published, as well as interesting ideas for book projects they would like to expand. This course is intended to give students the editing, sequencing, and design skills, to take their own book project from start to finish.
Students will have one-on-one guidance with Joyce, who will help them edit and sequence their images into a strong body of work, ready for production. Other essential components of the book design process, such as effectively incorporating text with images, will be covered.
This is a dynamic workshop that familiarizes participants with design and layout possibilities, encourages them to explore the relationship between images, and gives the photographer an overview of the steps involved in producing a successful book project from a body of work.
This is Joyce's second workshop at the NOPW.
Complete information at neworleansworkshops.com/artists/joyce/photobook.html